Monday, August 20, 2012

Just a little sore

It's been 2 day's since my "episode" and other that being a bt stiff and sore in my left leg I think it's doing well. I've been stiff from working out before but never like this. I get having my muscles sore that you use when working out but the very top of my leg, close to the inner high thigh is the part thats stiff. Which to me is very weird! Walking has become easier throughout the day. The stiffnesss has been slowly going away but walking down stairs is a little hard. I guess not hard just stiff. The next few days are suppose to be very warm again so I have to make sure I stay cool. Which I have to say os very hard to do when you don't have air conditioning in your house. But with all the ceiling fans we have it isn't impossible just a little more work.

1 comment:

Darlene Schacht said...

Oh, my goodness. This is so hard to read, Deb. D: I was reading a tiny bit about MS a few weeks ago because I had weird symptoms, but still I know so little. I'm going to read about this more so I can be educated and supportive. ((Hugs))

You're in my heart and vault.